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Magic Overview

2 min read

Both Wizards and Priests can cast spells. Wizards study the art of Arcane Magic, while Priests surround themselves with Divine Magic by petitioning and praying to deities and demi-gods.

Wizards cast spells by absorbing the energies (the “mana”) around them and releasing it as a spell while Priests cast spells by petitioning their god or drawing power from the environment around them.

Wizards can cast any Arcane spell available to them and Priests can cast any Divine spell available to them.

Wizards and Priests may cast spells with a spell level equal or below 1/2 their class level, rounded down.

Spell Hit Point Cost #

Casting a spell costs a spell caster Hit Points (HP). This is a reflection of the toll it takes on a caster to draw on the energy, power, and concentration necessary to cast the spell.

Hit Point (HP) cost = 2 x Spell Level


This Hit Point (HP) loss must be healed normally, requiring eight hours of rest.

Signature Spells #

Wizards and Priests each have Signature Spells. A Wizard and Priest choose a spell each time they ‘Level Up’ (see Level Advancement for more information).

A Signature Spell can only be chosen from the Spell Levels the adventurer has access to. These should be spells that the Wizard or Priest prefers using over other spells and will cost half the Hit Points (HP) to cast due to the familiarity of the spell.

The complete known Wizard and Priest spell lists can be found in the Grimoire chapter.

Casting Spells #

The casting action is generally automatic though the caster’s state of mind is taken into consideration including the impact of the surroundings. Spell casting requires a very specific protocol and process to be followed by wizards and priests.

Spells normally require a target, whether living or otherwise. Examples are:

  • Spell Caster
  • Fellow Adventurer
  • NPC (Non-Playing Character)
  • Creature
  • Animal
  • Object

Each time a spell is cast there is always a slim chance of fumbling (‘1’ is rolled) or performing a perfect cast (rolling a Natural ’20’).

The GM will roll a d20 to check for any possible critical or fumble casting.

Willing Targets #

These type of targets are the easiest to cast spells upon. Objects and the dead are such targets. Living targets need to be prepared and accepting of the spell caster’s actions. The spell casting success is therefore almost a complete automatic success, bar of course the possible fumble.

Unwilling Targets #

Targets who do not request or welcome the spell being cast upon them will perform a saving throw.

Casting in this situation will require a Saving Throw. The saving throw will be thrown against a Difficulty Class (DC).

Difficulty Class (DC): 10 + Caster’s Magic Bonus

Saving Throw: 1d20 + Appropriate Stat Modifier + Appropriate Skill Rank

A saving throw is a d20 roll plus a Stat Modifier and Skill Rank. The spell’s description will list which Ability (Stat Modifier) and Skill will be used.

If the saving throw fails (lower than the DC) the casted spell’s effects are successful. If the saving throw is successful there is a chance to avoid some or all of the spell’s effect.

Remember Criticals & Fumbles are still applicable to unwilling targets too.

Criticals & Fumbles #

When casting spells, whether against a willing target or not, there is always a chance of fumbling (‘1’ is rolled) or performing a perfect cast (rolling a Natural ’20’). The GM will roll a D20 to check for any possible Criticals & Fumbles.

In the case of a fumble, it could effect either the caster or the target in a negative or unexpected way. With a critical result generally the target will be the receiver of this additional ‘enhanced’ spell.