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Definitions of Standard ILKOR Terms

3 min read

READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY. These terms will be used throughout the rest of this handbook; they are also in the GLOSSARY at the end of this handbook.

Ilkor is run solely by myself (Sean Cleworth, a.k.a Gads) at the moment. I am the GameMaster. Not only did I create the game but am running it, enforcing the rules and providing the results for each and every player. Over time, assuming the game becomes as successful as I hope it will I plan on recruiting additional people who wish to also become a GameMaster. Each GameMaster will be given a specific area of the world to oversee. Player Characters roaming in these parts will be governed by that area’s GM.

While the GMs run the game and process the turnsheets of PCs, each player controls a single character known as a ‘player character’ (PC). PCs are encouraged to interact amongst one another both ‘in game’ and ‘out of game’, to form alliances, work together, travel and adventure together. PCs will encounter and interact with ‘non-playing characters’ (NPCs) aswell.

It is the GM’s role to prepare and maintain the setting of the world. It is after all a persistent world, which has a rich past and a very active present. Many PC adventures take place in settlements and the dangerous wilderness inbetween. There are many exciting and perilous locations overland (ancient buildings, towers & ruins) and underground (caves, dungeons and tomes) for PCs to seek out and explore.

Players create characters by following the instructions given in part 2, FIRST STEPS. Each player will choose a class (profession) for their character. The classes are chosen by looking carefully at the abilities of each class. When a player has finished creating their character, they are ready to start adventuring.

The PC lasts as long in the game as the player wishes or until the character meets an unfortunate end. The PC’s adventurers may last for many years. Ilkor is not for the faint-hearted or for those that are looking for quick and short gratification. The pace of Ilkor is slow by today’s gaming standards. It is however rich in detail, complexity, endless options and diplomacy amongst players.

The game is turn-based, however, being a persistent world, continues to move forward ‘between a PCs turn’. Turns are not processed together. There isn’t a deadline by which a player’s turn must reach the GameMaster. This enables players to play at a pace that suits them (within reason and only bound by the turnaround the GameMaster can provide).

Upon a player character joining the game, the PC will be placed within a settlement in a territory (country, kingdom, domain, empire, duchy, realm, etc) on one of the five principle regions (continents). Each region is also denoted by a color. Currently all PCs start on the Blue Region of Caledon.

A player communicates with the GameMaster via a Turnsheet. The player writes on the turnsheet what his or her character is to do (instructions or orders). The GameMaster will read what the player wishes to achieve and through the use of dice rolling and other forms of decision making will reveal to the player the outcome of the required actions.

In Ilkor player characters try to gain experience, which is earned as experience points (or XP).

If you wish to understand more of these terms you will find the information here.