Table of Contents

Said to be the birthplace of humanity—and naturally protected by the Iron Mountains to the west and south—Caeronion appears headed down a dark path; its armies are growing, its people are suffering, and control of the kingdom has recently slipped from a traditional monarchy to a more savage warocracy.
Worse, while Almos is still the “official” deity worshipped within Caeronion, there are rumors of darker cults taking hold, and a few even whisper of Ilkor’s return.
Despite the growing chaos, thousands of humans trek to Caeronion every year, seeking to connect with their ancestors and undermine the fledgling warocracy.
Settlements #
- Balabar (west)
- Bensberg (southwest)
- Eden (northwest)
- Nazgul (far southeast)
Features #
- Eternal Forest (north)
- Iron Mountains (northwest to southeast)
- The Great Cliffs (northeast to southeast)
- The Plateau of Caeronion (south)
- The Sea of Sorrows (far east)