How to Submit a Turnsheet

Prerequisites #

To be able to submit a turnsheet you need to have had:

  • Completed the Character Creation Form and returned to the GameMaster.
  • The GameMaster has sent you your character’s first turnsheet.

Example Turnsheets #

There are example turnsheets in various phases of completion. These should help you understand better the process of playing the game and submitting turnsheets to the GameMaster.

Example Turnsheets can be find in the Appendixes

Turnsheet: Basics #

This is a PDF editable turnsheet. It has been designed to contain the important aspects of your current character’s status, actions and results. The turnsheet is made up of 4 pages and can easily be completed in 15-30 minutes each turn.

Once completed, the turnsheet needs to be emailed back to the GameMaster:

The turnsheet will have been designed specifically for you, having your email address, character details and character sheet. The 4 pages are:

  • Orders Sheet
  • Results Sheet
  • Character Sheet
  • Notes Sheet

Once you have read the results of your previous turnsheet you will need to fill in your new turnsheet, which only requires your input on the Orders Sheet (page 1) and maybe on the Notes Sheet (page 4).

It really is that easy.

While there are 4 pages, the large majority of the pages deal with the Results from the GM, your Character Sheet and various Notes related to your character and historical information.

Turnsheet: Orders Sheet #

This page has a number of editable fields for you to fill in and complete. To get more information and visualizations you can check out Turn & Turnsheet section and the Example Turnsheets.

This page requires you to complete each turn:

  • Turn Advancement (excluding turn 1)
  • Level Advancement (not every turn)
  • Player Orders
  • Standing Orders (optional)
  • Player Message (optional)

Turn Advancement #

This just requires you to allocate points to your minor abilities.

Estimated Completion Time: 1 minute

Level Advancement #

This section comes active whenever your character levels up in his class. This is next turn specific and the number of turns between leveling up will become further and further apart as his advances up through the levels.

The editable fields here will vary from level to level and from class to class. They are however very easy to fill in, coming in the form of dropdowns and textboxes. This section always comes with basic instructions of what is required of you.

The most time consuming part of this section will be you having to decide on how you wish to allocate the various bonuses that have been awarded.

Estimated Completion Time: 0-5 minutes

Player Orders #

This section is the meat of the Orders Sheet. Here you have a large free-text area for you to provide your orders for the GM to read and process.

The format is really up to you, though obviously it is free-text, meaning there are no dropdowns or pre-selected values. You can and should write your orders in any way that suits you.

Some suggestions though:

  • Try to keep your instructions in chronological order;
  • Keep them short and concise;
  • Indicate clearly your orders by numbering them or separating by a blank line;
  • Attempt to be less specific on certain instructions to give the GM some scope and flexibility to keep the momentum flowing rather thank halt the turn at that point;
  • Try to avoid stringing too many instructions together so they are dependent on earlier ones being successful, otherwise your turn runs the risk of stopping short;
  • Provide a few alternative instructions should you original order is not successful;
  • If you are working together with other players, ensure you all synchronize your plans and actions and when submitting your turnsheet you inform the GM you are working together as a team;

Estimated Completion Time: 15-30 minutes

Standing Orders #

This section as the title suggests is a set of predefined set of responses to specific situations. There is also the ability to extend on these setting in free-text format.

This section is set to the values from the previous turn. Therefore should you be happy with your standing orders you do not have to spend any time on this section. You are able to modify your standing orders each turn should you feel they are not working for you and/or the current situation warrants it.

Estimated Completion Time: 0-5 minutes

Player Message #

This section is totally optional. This should be used for information / questions that are specific to your turnsheet. It’s not advised you use this section for general questions. Other channels such as email, in game messages, Societies and Guilds.

Estimated Completion Time: 0-5 minutes

Turnsheet: Notes Sheet #

This page has just 1 editable field for you to edit should be required. To get more information and visualizations you can check out Turn & Turnsheet section and the Example Turnsheets.

Player Notes #

This section is totally optional. This should be used for long standing information you wish to record to be remember regarding your character and encounters and situations he has had. This information should be important decision making stats that are not recorded elsewhere such as on the Character Sheet, etc.

This should not be used to record history like a journal. Diary / journal type of information should be recorded under your character’s web profile.

Estimated Completion Time: 0-5 minutes