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Priests are people dedicated to a cause or purpose and spend their lives spreading this ideal or living entirely for it.

They’re not simple followers of a divinity, but also faithful intercessors in the world, using the power the gods gave them to spread the faith and defend their believes. They’re not skilled in combat like warriors, but well trained to use weapons, and they can cast spells to further their god’s aims.

Class Overview #

  • Priests Prime Ability is Wisdom and starts with a +2 bonus.
  • Prime Skill Group of a Priest is Communication and they receive +3 bonus.
  • Priests receive a +1 Melee Attack bonus and a +1 Magic bonus.
  • Priests can wear light & medium armor, use light & 1-handed weapons and can use light & medium shields.
  • Priests can learn and cast divine spells.
  • Turn Undead or Rebuke Undead Special Ability.

Sub-classes #

Technically, sub-classes are not defined in-game. This however should not prevent you from designing and shaping your character into a sub-class type suitable for your class. Here’s a few examples:

  • Cleric
  • Druid
  • Necromancer
  • Paladin
  • Shaman

Special Abilities #

Priests of a Good or Neutral alignment can channel positive energy, which can halt, drive off (rout), or destroy undead.
Evil Priests can channel negative energy, which can halt, awe (rebuke), control (command), or bolster undead. Regardless of the effect, the general term for this activity is “turning”. When attempting to exercise their divine control over these creatures, characters make turning checks.

The special ability of Turning / Rebuking Undead is determined by using the Difficulty Class (DC) (which is the current Hit Points (HP) of the undead).

Good or Neutral aligned Priests: If a Turn Undead roll plus the Priest’s Magic bonus beats the DC the undead flee from the caster. If the DC is exceeded by 10 or more the undead are destroyed. This can be used 2 + Level + Wisdom Modifier times a day.

Evil aligned Priests: If the Rebuking Undead roll plus the Priest’s Magic bonus beats the DC the undead will defend / follow the caster. If the DC is exceeded by 10 or more the undead are totally under the control of the caster and will do as commanded. This can be used 2 + Level + Wisdom Modifier times a day.

Other special abilities will be revealed later on in the game and will be rewarded every 3 levels. See Level Advancement for more information.

Levels, XP & Titles #

The table shows the XP required to reach a specific level. In doing so your character will ‘level up‘ and be awarded a new title.

828,000Holy Man
1155,000High Priest